Document Rendering

The Connect runtime exposes the capability to render documents (such as labels and customs forms) from code. The documents can be generated in PDF, PNG and ZPL formats, using templates created in the Documents Designer.


Developers have the ability to render documents in a specific format, which is passed as label_format field in GetDocumentsRequest request.
The getDocuments function expects a request and DocumentTemplate or path to the template file and can be used for all connect app types.

This example shows you how to render the documents within the CreateLabel method:

import { CreateLabelRequest, CreateLabelResponse } from '@shipengine/connect-carrier-api';
import { getDocuments } from '@shipengine/connect-runtime';
import { DemoCarrier } from '../definitions/demo-carrier';

export const CreateLabel = async (request: CreateLabelRequest): Promise<CreateLabelResponse> => {
    return await getDocuments(request, DemoCarrier.DocumentTemplate);

The Documents Designer allows you to create multiple documents within a single template file. In this case, it is possible to select the document to be rendered by its name.
In the following example, two documents are selected:

getDocumentsRequest.documentNames = ['standard_label', 'additional_label']
return await getDocuments(GetDocumentsRequest, DemoCarrier.DocumentTemplate);

If you work offline then you will receive an empty document response.


To get access to Documents Designer, please reach out to your business contact with Auctane or the ShipEngine Connect Team.

Document Template

Your app must contain a document template definition. For the carrier api metadata can specifies the location of the template file:

export const DemoCarrier: Carrier = {
  Name: 'Demo Carrier',
  DocumentTemplate: join(__dirname, '../../../assets/templates/demo_carrier_template.carrier'),

You can use the Documents Designer visual tool to design a document template file.

Environment Variable

You must specify the following environment variable in the module's helm file values.yaml:


This value will be substituted by deployment pipelines, according to the environment where the module is deployed to.

Customs Documents for Carrier App

For international shipments, customs declarations CN22 and CN23 are required, as well as an optional commercial invoice.
Whether you use a CN22 form or a CN23 depends on the weight and value of the package.
Depending on the carrier and the destination you need to include a commercial invoice in addition to the CN22/CN23.

The following customs documents are supported by default:

  • CN22 (customs declaration)
  • CN23 (customs declaration)
  • CI (commercial invoice)

Based on the carrier's rules, you need to decide what kind of document to render by selecting the customs document code.
Customs documents are available in three languages: EN (English), DE (German) and FR (French). By default, customs are generated in English.
Customs documents required carrier name specified so this parameter is mandatory.

This example shows how to generate commercial invoice and customs declaration in French:

import { CreateLabelRequest, CreateLabelResponse, getCustoms } from '@shipengine/connect-carrier-api';
import { GetDocumentsRequest } from '@shipengine/connect-runtime';
import { DemoCarrier } from '../definitions/demo-carrier';

export const CreateLabel = async (request: CreateLabelRequest): Promise<CreateLabelResponse> => {
    const getDocumentsRequest : GetDocumentsRequest = { ...request, ...{ language : 'FR', documentNames : ["CI","CN22"] }};

    return await getCustoms(DemoCarrier.Name, getDocumentsRequest);

Customs declarations can be combined with the carrier label as follows:

import { CreateLabelRequest, CreateLabelResponse, getCustoms, combineDocuments } from '@shipengine/connect-carrier-api';
import { getDocuments,  } from '@shipengine/connect-runtime';
import { DemoCarrier } from '../definitions/demo-carrier';

export const CreateLabel = async (request: CreateLabelRequest): Promise<CreateLabelResponse> => {
    const carrierLabel = await getDocuments(request, DemoCarrier.DocumentTemplate);
    const customsForms = await getCustoms(DemoCarrier.Name, request);    
    return combineDocuments(carrierLabel, customsForms);