Frequently asked questions

What is Connect?

Connect is a series of developer tools and a testing environment that allows companies to build their own branded integrations with the Auctane platform. After an integration has been communicated to the team as being ready for production, we will run it through a series of tests and upon approval will migrate it into our production systems.

How long does the promotion process take?

On average it takes around 2 weeks to move something from our connect environment into our production environment, this can also include an additional 2 weeks of QA time for newer integrations. This is shortened once an integration is in production for hot fixes.

What brands will be able to access my integration?

By default ShipEngine and ShipStation will automatically get all integrations that have been made live in production and will be available to the Auctane family brands. It is up to the other Auctane companies to decide to add this integration to their offerings.