Response Transformation

For integrations that do not conform to the OAuth 2.0 specifications for a token and refresh token exchange, an Integration DSL may specify how responses from the two exchanges can be mapped into the the platform canonical model.

Transformation is done by adding an additional property response configuration to the request_token and refresh_token configuration properties.

Transformers access properties of a response JSON using JSONPath. Properties that do not start with $ will be interpreted as a value, the following example demonstrates the use of both JSONPath transformation and value mapping.

Given the response payload from an integration token request:

 "message": "",
 "code": 0,
 "data": {
  "access_token": "the-access-token",
  "scopes": [
  "merchant_id": "",
  "expiry_time": "2021-07-17T20:30:00.000+00:00",
  "refresh_token": "the-refresh-token"
  "request_token": {
    /* ... omitted ... */
    "response": {      
      "access_token": "$.data.access_token",
      "refresh_token": "$.data.refresh_token",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      /* expires_in: "$.data.expires_in" */
      "expires_at": {
        "path": "$.data.expiry_time",
        "date_time_format": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffzzz"

The response object defines a JSONPath expression that the platform uses to access a value from the response, then populates the associated property ie. $.data.access_token maps into the IntegrationTokenResponse.AccessToken property.

This example also demonstrates two additional features:

  1. The value Bearer for token_type maps directly into the IntegrationTokenResponse.TokenType property with a value of Bearer .
  2. expires_at Is an object, rather than a JSONPath.
    • The path property is JSONPath informing the platform where to obtain the value.
    • The date_time_format property is a date-time format string that can be either a standard format string in .NET or a custom format string for .NET. This example uses a custom format string.

expires_in vs expires_at OAuth2 specifies expires_in as a standard field informing the client how long, in seconds, until the access_token expires. In the example above the integration provides expires_at. An integration DSL may specify either expires_in or expires_at but not both. In the case of the latter, expires_at the platform will parse the date-time and compute an expires_in value.

Including any response transformer shifts the burden of response parsing from the standard OAuth2 parser to the author of the DSL.

Connection Context

Some third parties both send, and expect, more than an access token in the response and authenticated requests, respectively.

To accommodate this, the platform allows a response transformer to specify a collection of properties in connection_context. Properties defined in connection_context are returned along with the rest of the credentials provided to the platform.

Values in the connection_context can use some template expressions, like {callback:. This allows an integration definition to capture values from the redirect_uri from the 3rd party to include in the connection context.


The following example parses a typical OAuth2 response with an extra top level field.

/* A response from an integration */
  "access_token": "foo",
  "refresh_token": "bar",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "store_id": "42"

/* A response transformer in the Integration Definition */
"response": {      
      "access_token": "$.access_token",
      "refresh_token": "$.refresh_token",
      "token_type": "$.token_type",
      "expires_in": "$.expires_in",
      "connection_context": {
          "store_id": "$.store_id"

/* results in the following the platform TokenResponse */
    "access_token": "foo",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "bar",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "raw_payload": "{
    "integration_api_code": "sample-server",
    "connection_context": {
        "store_id": "42" 