
Self Integrators

Please contact the ShipEngine Connect Team at and let them know that you are interested in becoming a self integrator.

A signed contract must be in place prior to an integration going live.

Publish Command

You can run the shipengine-connect publish command to publish your project to our test environment, where you can interact with it via the ShipStation user interface.

shipengine connect publish

After your app is successfully published you will be given login credentials to a the ShipStation test instance.


While testing through ShipStation, you can access all of the logs your project produces via the logs CLI command:

Show logs for the current project

shipengine-connect logs

Capture the logs in a file

shipengine-connect logs > logfile.log

The logs command will return all of the log messages since the last publish. When you publish again, it will reset the logs.

Additional Command Options


Shows additional debugging about internal ShipEngine platform calls. By default you will only be shown logs specific to your app.


Choose the format (default or raw) that logs are displayed in. The default is default.


Show the tail of the ShipEngine platform logs up to 1500 lines. The default is 500.

View App Info

This command shows information about your app, such as its ID, deployed version, deployment status, etc.

shipengine-connect info

Listing Your Apps

This command lists all of your apps

shipengine-connect apps